Endurance Sports

"Are there reasons outside of activity level, stress, weight loss, and eating habits that TDD might change from month to month?"

I have noticed that after many months of training my TDD both increases slightly and is less variable with low-moderate activity level. It could be changes in workouts or eating habits, but I have also wondered if it could be metabolic changes in fat/glucose metabolism due to training. Are there reasons outside of activity level, stress, weight loss, and eating habits that TDD might change from month to month?

Recreation Sports

"Which basal should I chose?"

How would you decide which basal to choose if lets say you are having super high activity so your sensitivity is high but you changed your eating habits that day and you consumed a ton of carbs. Would you chose a the moderate activity basal rather than the high activity since you might need a more aggressive basal to help overcome the extra carbs.”