“General advice produces general results, specific advice creates freedom.” —Cliff Scherb. Glucose Advisors; Expert Advice, Breakthrough management.
A better way to manage your type 1 diabetes, welcome to the approach that will change your life and well being forever.
Understand how to dose your insulin to balance blood sugars while leaning out. Work with our timed approach and meal plans towards your type 1 goals.
Learn how to dose effectively for any activity, sport competitions and an active lifestyle with T1D.
Learn how to adjust your insulin for special situations using the Scherb Method algorithms and nutrition strategies. Learn how to avoid the spikes and crashes before, during and after life events activities.
Community based learning
Purchase a course bundle, learn at your own speed with our methods. Get support from an online community of other people with T1D.
Small group live coaching
Work through our online program, meet regularly via video conference with our Glucose Advisors live to answer your questions. Access to community support groups and chats where you can learn from other T1D’s.
One to one
Work directly with a Glucose Advisor one to one to intensively manage all aspects of your diabetes. There are little to no restrictions on support and communication. You will be automatically enrolled in our University, methods and communities.
A break through in approach
The Scherb Method ™️ as part of Glucose Advisors programs and courses, is a decision support system and methodology designed to help empower people with type 1 diabetes to lead a healthy, nutritious and active lifestyle. Developed by founder Cliff Scherb, this method is taught by the Glucose Advisors team and has been designed for those who are looking to take control of their nutrition and dosing regimen in realtime.
The Scherb Method™️, offers a novel approach to learning diabetes management. Our T1D doctors, advisors and educators want you to stop doing a constant experiment of "one" and learn from our proven approach.
Never before has there been a method and learning program that ties together nutrition and activity with direct dosing from real world experience. We provide a guided interactive online program in conjunction with your healthcare team to teach you how to make the best management decisions.
We know management of type 1 diabetes is currently a reactive process and often times patients are left to their own devices making realtime decisions of how to adjust their dosing regimens.
Join our program so we can teach you how to be proactive in your decision making with T1D, whether you are using an insulin pump, closed loop or are on multiple daily injection therapy.
Thank you for entrusting us and taking the time to improve your management. The hard part was finding this program, now let us show you how to take control.
the university with our advisors
To learn more and be notified when space is available in our University program enter your name and email below.
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